Talk Like a Techie: 20 Day VC Challenge

It’s time for the 3rd annual 20 Day Challenge on videoconferencing topics, written by Roxanne Glaser and Janine Lim!

This year we tackle the complicated and challenging area of the technical aspects of videoconferencing. In K12 education, it’s often hard to find someone with knowledge of how standards-based (H.323) videoconferencing interacts with the district network. This can cause quality issues that present a barrier to educators and teachers who want to use videoconferencing. So for the next 20 days of blog posts, we’ll be sharing some best practices and background knowledge of how videoconferencing works on your network.

Target Audience

Our target audience for this series includes:

  • Educational service agency personnel involved with videoconferencing
  • District technology coordinators and technicians involved with making videoconferencing work on the network
  • School level educators who need enough background knowledge to effectively communicate with network folks


Subscribe to both of our blogs in your favorite reader (Roxanne or Janine), or via email (Roxanne or Janine). You can also follow us on Twitter: Roxanne and Janine and Shane.


Here is the archive of posts for the 2011 Challenge:

5 replies on “Talk Like a Techie: 20 Day VC Challenge”

  1. […] If your school is on Internet2, you may have support to get your videoconference systems on the Global Dialing Scheme (GDS). Basically, this means your gatekeeper is neighbored into a gatekeeper tree structure used around the world for dialing within the education community. For Berrien RESA, the advantage is the ease with which we can call schools in the UK who are on the JANET network. We have also used this for dialing some schools in Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Unfortunately GDS is used more in higher education than K12. If we were able to adopt it more broadly, it would solve many of the dialing problems we keep addressing in this series. […]

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