Category Archives: Professional Development

Professional Development, Training, Faculty Development, Workshops

20 Tools for Significant Learning and Student Engagement

This blog post accompanies my session, 20 Tools for Significant Learning and Student Engagement, presented at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Philippines.

PPT: 20 Tools for Significant Learning and Student EngagementN

Note that I have deliberately not included tons of sites and ideas because I wanted this to be simple and not too overwhelming. To pique interest.

Learn about Designing Significant Learning Experiences

Learning How to Learn

  • Evaluating and selecting content sources, i.e. YouTubeTedEd, books!
  • Teach students to subscribe to the journal’s feeds i.e. ALT or Community of Inquiry
  • Using project based learning and makerspaces for student-designed projects
  • Teach students to monitor their own understanding (print flashcards, Quizlet), and mind map knowledge, identifying areas to learn more, selecting and pursuing
  • Reflection on their own blog, like UMW does with A Domain of One’s One
  • Showcasing and extending learning with job portfolios: i.e. via Mahara or other portfolio tools


Human Dimension

  • Blog or discuss ways in which one’s personal life affects and is affected by the subject via WordPressVoiceThreadWeeblyEdublogs.
  • Be an ethical, responsible member of a team serving others; tools to support groups: GoogleDrive and similar tools to support collaborative learning.
  • Observation of real-life human experiences related to the content; report back to the class.



  • Analyze and critique an issue or case study, and organize and present it via Padlet.
  • Apply the skills in context; document ability with video via YouTubeVideoscribeFlipGrid, or Animoto.
  • Create a recommendation for a corporation in a real-world problem/situation, build and present on GoogleSites or PowToon.

Foundational Knowledge

  • Create and share/narrate a mental map or conceptual structure of major concepts. or Mindly the app or MindMeister.
  • Create a presentation: Explain & predict concepts and ideas. i.e. Prezi
  • Have students access and interact with primary sources of content – i.e. TedEdLibrary of Congress, and more.

Online Tools and References

Fink Taxonomy and Tools v2 PDF Handout – Permission granted to reprint freely. Please share any adaptations.

What would you add? Feel free to comment and share. 

Issues of Intellectual Property

This post supports a workshop I am presenting to the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies in Silang, Philippines.

Resources for group activities:

Group 1: Biblical Guidance

  • What Biblical guidance do we have for the topic of intellectual property and copyright? Here are two verses to get you started:
    • Leviticus 19:13
    • Matthew 10:8
  • Bible Gateway

Group 2: Copyright of Other’s Materials

Group 3: My Intellectual Property

Group 4: Copyleft

Group 5: Creative Commons

Group 6: OER: Open Educational Resources

Sample Copyright and Intellectual Property Policies

  • Policies are needed for: faculty-created content, student’s use of copyrighted content created by faculty, all faculty and staff use of copyrighted content
  • Andrews University Working Policy section 2:383
    • See also Section 1:762:5
    • Andrews University statement at the bottom of all Moodle pages (scroll to the bottom)
    • Online course contract ownership language options:
      • Ownership of Products: The Course Author understands that this course manuscript and all accompanying materials are work made for hire and shall belong exclusively to Andrews University. Andrews University owns all rights and interests in the course for initial and all subsequent publications. Andrews University reserves the right to utilize other Course Authors to edit, revise, or reconstruct the course. The Course Author understands that s/he is not authorized to share or sell or disclose any portions of the course to any entity or individual at any time during its development, upon termination of the agreement, or after the project is completed.
      • Ownership of Products: The Course Author understands that this course manuscript and all accompanying materials are work made for hire and shall belong exclusively to Andrews University. Andrews University owns all rights and interests in the course for initial and all subsequent publications of the course. Andrews University reserves the right to utilize other authors to edit, revise, or reconstruct the course, as needed. However, the author may use the materials for purposes of his or her own instruction in the classroom or to adapt for publication in another form.
  • Please also search other institutions to benchmark. For example, search “university name intellectual property policy”.

Maximizing Learning, Implementation, and Reflection with Creative Professional Learning Models

This blog post accompanies my session, Maximizing Learning, Implementation, and Reflection with Creative Professional Learning Models, presented at the 2018 Teachers’ Convention of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

PPT: Maximizing Learning, Implementation, and Reflection

Models of Online Professional Learning

Scaffolding for Success with Large Scale

  • Cheat sheets: simple instructions with screen shots for each tool used
  • Phone numbers: who to call? tiered level of support
  • Facilitators for large groups
  • Mechanism for smalls schools to interact
  • PDF agenda, resources, instructions, handbook. Printed ahead of time.

Additional Resources

Flipping Your Classroom, Personalizing Learning: Practical Strategies & Ideas

This blog post accompanies my session, Flipping Your Classroom, Personalizing Learning: Practical Strategies & Ideas, presented at the 2018 Teachers’ Convention of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

PPT: Flipping Your Classroom, Personalizing Learning


Personalized Learning

  • KnowledgeWorks: What is Personalized Learning?
  • Lim, J. (2016). Predicting successful completion using student delay indicators in undergraduate self-paced online courses. Distance Education, 37(3) , 317-332. doi:10.1080/01587919.2016.1233050
  • Lim, J. (2016). The relationship between successful completion and sequential movement in self-paced distance courses. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(1). Retrieved from
  • Self-Directed Learning Habits
  • 4 Steps to Successful Self-Directed Learning (from a university center of teaching)
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Lin Hsiao, J. W. D. (1998). The impact of reflective facilitation on middle school students’ self-regulated learning and their academic achievement in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. (Ph.D.), The University of Texas at Austin, United States — Texas. ProQuest Digital Dissertation database.
  • Mager, R. F., & Clark, C. (1963). Explorations in student-controlled instruction. Psychological Reports, 13(1), 71-76.
  • Panadero, E. (2017). A review of self-regulated learning: Six models and four directions for research. Frontiers in Psychology8, 422.
  • Schraw, G., Crippen, K., & Hartley, K. (2006). Promoting self-regulation in science education: Metacognition as part of a broader perspective on learning. Research in Science Education, 36, 111-139. Retrieved from  doi:10.1007/s11165-005-3917-8

Video Resources

Open Courses and Resources

Recording and Hosting Videos

Assessments at the Door

Resources for Teaching, Active Learning, and Engagement


For Further Reading

Additional Resources

20 Tools for Significant Learning and Student Engagement

This blog post accompanies my session, 20 Tools for Significant Learning and Student Engagement, presented at the 2018 Teachers’ Convention of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Updated PPT: 20 Tools for Significant Learning and Student Engagement (updated 8/8/18)

Note: 8/8/18 Additional links added to Learning how to Learn; and Caring



Note that I have deliberately not included tons of sites and ideas because I wanted this to be simple and not too overwhelming. To pique interest.

Learn about Designing Significant Learning Experiences

Learning How to Learn

  • Evaluating and selecting content sources, i.e. YouTube, TedEd, books!
  • Teach students to subscribe to the journal’s feeds i.e. ALT or Community of Inquiry
  • Using project based learning and makerspaces for student-designed projects
  • Teach students to monitor their own understanding (print flashcards, Quizlet), and mind map knowledge, identifying areas to learn more, selecting and pursuing
  • Reflection on their own blog, like UMW does with A Domain of One’s One
  • Showcasing and extending learning with job portfolios: i.e. via Mahara or other portfolio tools


Human Dimension

  • Blog or discuss ways in which one’s personal life affects and is affected by the subject via WordPress, VoiceThread, Weebly, Edublogs.
  • Be an ethical, responsible member of a team serving others; tools to support groups: GoogleDrive and similar tools to support collaborative learning.
  • Observation of real-life human experiences related to the content; report back to the class.



  • Analyze and critique an issue or case study, and organize and present it via Padlet.
  • Apply the skills in context; document ability with video via YouTube, Videoscribe, FlipGrid, or Animoto.
  • Create a recommendation for a corporation in a real-world problem/situation, build and present on GoogleSites or PowToon.

Foundational Knowledge

  • Create and share/narrate a mental map or conceptual structure of major concepts. or Mindly the app or MindMeister.
  • Create a presentation: Explain & predict concepts and ideas. i.e. Prezi
  • Have students access and interact with primary sources of content – i.e. TedEd, Library of Congress, and more.

Online Tools and References

Fink Taxonomy and Tools v2 PDF Handout – Permission granted to reprint freely. Please share any adaptations.

What would you add? Feel free to comment and share. 


Maximizing Reach, Learning, and Reflection with Online Professional Development

This blog post accompanies my session, Maximizing Reach, Learning, and Reflection with Online Professional Development, presented at the 2018 Nebraska Distance Learning Association Conference.


Models of Online Professional Learning

Scaffolding for Success with Large Scale

  • Cheat sheets: simple instructions with screen shots for each tool used
  • Phone numbers: who to call? tiered level of support
  • Facilitators for large groups
  • Mechanism for smalls schools to interact
  • PDF agenda, resources, instructions, handbook. Printed ahead of time.

Jazzing Up Your Curriculum: Applying Principles of Jazz to Collaboration

I’m presenting at the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning 2017 in Toronto, Canada, with co-authors Amy Spath, Ken Conn, and Roxanne Glaser.

This presentation is part of a collection of presentations on Professional Development. In this short post, I’m including some additional references and resources.

The full presentation is on this Google Slidedeck

“Jazz workshop” Resources

How to Get Published in a Peer Reviewed Journal

I’m attending the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning 2017 in Toronto, Canada and blogging the sessions I’m attending.


  • Diane Conrad, co-editor of IRRODL
  • Lesley Diack,Aberdeen, Scotland, Research in Learning Technology, Journal of the Association of Learning Technologists; she’s one of five editors, it used to be ALT-J
  • Tannis Morgan, Justice Institute of British Columbia, serves on multiple editorial boards
  • Lucy Gray, editor for Open Learning
  • Jill Buban, Online Learning Consortium, Online Learning Journal, formerly Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks

Stories of Rejection

  • The politics of rejections. Knowing the audience.
  • Sometimes seen articles they’ve rejected appear in other journals.
  • What about when there are two good reviews and one bad review. Sometimes the reviewer is wanting a different article – their perspective.
    • Tip: responses from the author regarding the reviewers that are very well thought out – these can make a major difference. There might be something in the reviews that’s out to lunch. As an author you need to respond and give a rationale for why you use this or not.

What prepared you for the role of an editor?

  • The experience of being an author, a student
  • The desire to support authors who are new to writing in the area
  • Part of the role of a reviewer is to give good feedback to help them; same situation as supporting students
  • Working on a new journal with others, shaping a journal
  • Doing a lot of peer reviews
  • Started a class newspaper in grade four
  • I enjoy helping people learn to write; and I enjoy reading what other people have written, reviewing puts you on the front line of the research
  • My supervisor told me to review so that my writing would improve
  • It’s good for me as a professor to be an editor
  • Writing in journalism and news

Is this cheap labor?

Provocative question from the moderator to a panel of women.

  • There isn’t a stipend for editorial work at one journal; at another there is
  • It’s voluntary, time consuming
  • Some element of prestige
  • It’s service
  • It’s relaxing work for me
  • In one situation the assistant editor got a stipend and the editors did not

What’s the most difficult decisions you’ve had to make as an editor

  • When reviewers don’t agree
  • Sometimes the judgment call is suitability to the journal – that’s easy; but then other decisions are more difficult
  • Further discussion of reviewers… IRRDOL rates reviewers on the quality of the review
  • Some of the journals represented are trying hard to publish from countries who have had less of a voice
  • One option is to have three reviewers required for each article
  • Challenges with articles written by non-native speakers, providing editing or recommending the author get additional editing assistance

The process of publishing: How should an author choose a journal?

  • Look at the topics in the journal, seeing how your article fits in the journal
  • Authors do throw articles blindly out; they haven’t researched the journal
  • Journals have information that outlines the scope, interests
  • Look at the masthead and see who is on the editorial board – that shapes the concern of the journal
  • Authors can write a letter to ask whether the article fits in the journal
  • It saves a huge amount of time to ask about the article ahead of time; otherwise you’re wasting time in the review process
  • Review the archives of the journal to get a flavor of the topics
  • Rolling publications means that your journal can get published faster; as they are reviewed they can be posted
  • Open journals are a great way to get your work out there
  • Look at how many issues a year they publish
  • From the audience: Contact North has a searchable directory of journals regarding online learning
  • Don’t submit to more than one journal at a time!!

What are you looking for when you receive an article?

  • First the article goes through a plagiarism service. Shouldn’t be 50-60% or more of a previous article
  • Checking to see if it’s a fit
  • Good methodology / sound research
  • Missing the description of the population
  • There is nothing new
  • Does it matter?
  • Abstracts are often very bad – it should say certain things – the journal websites tell about it
  • Be clear about what you’re writing – what is the article about, what type of article are you writing
  • Follow the journal guidance on the website
  • Different journals care about different things – ignoring the past history of online learning
  • Results and conclusions often don’t match the data

Great advice and discussion on the publication process and issues for online learning.

Using Blogging to Contribute Expertise and Convey Credibility

Today I’m presenting at the United States Distance Learning Association National Conference 2017: Using Blogging to Contribute Expertise and Convey Credibility. This post shares the accompanying resources.


My blogging history:

Tools for blogging:

Ideas for Blogging

Scheduling and Tracking Writing

Promoting and Learning

Getting Ready for USDLA National Conference 2017

Are you going to the USDLA National Conference next week? I am. Hope to see you there! Here are some bits I’m looking forward to:

  1. Indianapolis! USDLA has been in St. Louis for as long as I can remember (well, I first learned about USDLA in 2008, so that’s not so long ago compared to the 30 years anniversary USDLA is celebrating this year!) USDLA board member, Samantha Penney, has put together a great little collection of things to know about Indy and the attractions nearby. Maybe I’ll get a chance to see the White River State Park!
  2. Elliot Masie is doing the opening keynote – that is bound to be an amazing experience!
  3. Darcy Hardy’s preconference on strategic planning. Hoping to pick a few tips and possibly find some holes in our strategic planning that I can get ideas to fill!
  4. Bill Jackson Sunrise Run/Walk. It’s always fun to get up in the morning and see professional colleagues in their running gear! Curious to see what Indy sights we’ll see on our run/walk this year!
  5. Scavenger Hunt on Sunday night. These activities are fun for meeting people. One thing I love about USDLA is that as the conference goes on, you start recognizing more people because there are so many opportunities to be together and learn from each other.
  6. A great line-up of sessions. Of course it’s always hard to choose. This year, it seems everyone really got their racing hats on when writing session titles. Usually there’s a few people who take the theme into their session in creatives ways too. Looking forward to lots of good learning!

Your Turn

What about you? Going to USDLA? What are you hoping to learn? And/or, is there another conference that’s your favorite? What have you picked up recently that you’re applying now in your distance learning work?