I’m attending the ICDE World Conference on Online Learning 2017 in Toronto, Canada and blogging the sessions I’m attending.
- Diane Conrad, co-editor of IRRODL
- Lesley Diack,Aberdeen, Scotland, Research in Learning Technology, Journal of the Association of Learning Technologists; she’s one of five editors, it used to be ALT-J
- Tannis Morgan, Justice Institute of British Columbia, serves on multiple editorial boards
- Lucy Gray, editor for Open Learning
- Jill Buban, Online Learning Consortium, Online Learning Journal, formerly Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Stories of Rejection
- The politics of rejections. Knowing the audience.
- Sometimes seen articles they’ve rejected appear in other journals.
- What about when there are two good reviews and one bad review. Sometimes the reviewer is wanting a different article – their perspective.
- Tip: responses from the author regarding the reviewers that are very well thought out – these can make a major difference. There might be something in the reviews that’s out to lunch. As an author you need to respond and give a rationale for why you use this or not.
What prepared you for the role of an editor?
- The experience of being an author, a student
- The desire to support authors who are new to writing in the area
- Part of the role of a reviewer is to give good feedback to help them; same situation as supporting students
- Working on a new journal with others, shaping a journal
- Doing a lot of peer reviews
- Started a class newspaper in grade four
- I enjoy helping people learn to write; and I enjoy reading what other people have written, reviewing puts you on the front line of the research
- My supervisor told me to review so that my writing would improve
- It’s good for me as a professor to be an editor
- Writing in journalism and news
Is this cheap labor?
Provocative question from the moderator to a panel of women.
- There isn’t a stipend for editorial work at one journal; at another there is
- It’s voluntary, time consuming
- Some element of prestige
- It’s service
- It’s relaxing work for me
- In one situation the assistant editor got a stipend and the editors did not
What’s the most difficult decisions you’ve had to make as an editor
- When reviewers don’t agree
- Sometimes the judgment call is suitability to the journal – that’s easy; but then other decisions are more difficult
- Further discussion of reviewers… IRRDOL rates reviewers on the quality of the review
- Some of the journals represented are trying hard to publish from countries who have had less of a voice
- One option is to have three reviewers required for each article
- Challenges with articles written by non-native speakers, providing editing or recommending the author get additional editing assistance
The process of publishing: How should an author choose a journal?
- Look at the topics in the journal, seeing how your article fits in the journal
- Authors do throw articles blindly out; they haven’t researched the journal
- Journals have information that outlines the scope, interests
- Look at the masthead and see who is on the editorial board – that shapes the concern of the journal
- Authors can write a letter to ask whether the article fits in the journal
- It saves a huge amount of time to ask about the article ahead of time; otherwise you’re wasting time in the review process
- Review the archives of the journal to get a flavor of the topics
- Rolling publications means that your journal can get published faster; as they are reviewed they can be posted
- Open journals are a great way to get your work out there
- Look at how many issues a year they publish
- From the audience: Contact North has a searchable directory of journals regarding online learning
- Don’t submit to more than one journal at a time!!
What are you looking for when you receive an article?
- First the article goes through a plagiarism service. Shouldn’t be 50-60% or more of a previous article
- Checking to see if it’s a fit
- Good methodology / sound research
- Missing the description of the population
- There is nothing new
- Does it matter?
- Abstracts are often very bad – it should say certain things – the journal websites tell about it
- Be clear about what you’re writing – what is the article about, what type of article are you writing
- Follow the journal guidance on the website
- Different journals care about different things – ignoring the past history of online learning
- Results and conclusions often don’t match the data
Great advice and discussion on the publication process and issues for online learning.