2nd day of Jazz all done! Here’s a few thoughts & comments:
Roll Call
- The roll call was really fun again this morning. Wales led it, and waved their flags and wished us “bora da” (good morning in Welsh). Everyone shared their weather forecast for today and the rest of the week, and we shared it in F and C so that Wales could understand the numbers. OH was very creative and included a song and dance!
Finishing up Read Around the Planet
- Yesterday Wales left us early because they had a thunderstorm that knocked out their power. So this morning we took a few moments to hear their Read Around the Planet exchange presentation from yesterday. They shared a very cute puppet show of the story of Billy Goat Gruff and the Baby Troll, complete with puppets and a backdrop!
Math Marvels
- For simulation time today, we solved math problems for Math Marvels. One of the problems involved tomatoes. As we gave the answers, we heard three different pronunciations of tomAtoes, tomahtoes, and tomaters.
Q&A with Wales & BC
- Two of the participants in Wales led our Q&A time. We did a round of asking questions with Wales. Each site asked two questions and then Wales asked them two questions. Then we did another round the same way with British Columbia.
- Nice set up of questions modeled by Dallas – I’m ___ from ____ and in our area _____, what is ______ like in your country?
- Everyone really enjoyed the conversation time with Wales & BC; and we learned about how to ask good questions.
Guest Speakers
- Our guest speakers were NASA DLN (Stennis) and the San Francisco Giants. We had a nice taste of the programs and got a flavor for how interactive their programs are.
- It takes a lot of work and techncial expertise to pull off the connections for the Jazz workshop. Shane, award winning bridge dude at Region 12, TX bridges 8 sites together for guest speaker time. Look how many monitors it takes. The skype chats are for the facilitators to give feedback to Shane or solve problems.
Groups are working well together – there are 11 total groups across my four sites. Looking forward to some great projects on Friday!