4th Grade Videoconference Recommendations

This morning I opened up early bird registration for my schools for next year’s videoconferences. I always offer to give advice on selecting programs. My first request came from a 7th grade science teacher who loves videoconferencing, and is moving to fourth grade. I thought I’d share here what I told her.

Preview Calendar

I always make a preview calendar for my schools that is by month and grade level. The information on this page applies only to my schools, but you might find it interesting as an example. I don’t have it done for 2010-2011 yet, but my teachers can still use it as a guide right now to plan for next year.

Social Studies

The fourth grade social studies curriculum covers: “Using the context of the United States, fourth grade students learn significant social studies concepts within an increasingly complex social environment. They examine fundamental concepts in geography, civics and government, and economics through the lens of Michigan history and the United States.”

My top four for this area are:

Language Arts

The top choice here is:


This is what I said to my teacher: “Plus you might want to do a science content provider program. Other fourth grade classes this year did mini-grants for these programs. (My schools apply for mini-grants for our assistance in paying for content providers. Districts must contribute at least $25 towards the cost of the program.)

Those are the only science content provider programs my 4th grade teachers did this year. I know there are many others; and have on my todo list to update our GLCE guides to videoconferencing for the new curriculum. But it isn’t done yet. Feel free to comment if you have other recommendations for 4th grade science.

Compare this list to the 4th grade Best VCs List I did in 2005. The 4th grade social studies curriculum has changed since then, but the science recommendations are still great.

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