Today we’re trying out a new author for an ASK program on her book When Donkeys Fly. We have a variety of 1st-3rd grade classes from Macomb and Berrien areas participating. Ginger Hodge lives in South Carolina, and we found a site for her to videoconference from at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Here’s a sample of the questions from today. In each session, the classes often ran out of questions. Ginger was good at short concise interesting answers.
- Have you ever done any of the things that the girl in the book wanted to do?
- Where did you get the idea for the book?
- How long did it take to write the book?
- How old is the dog on the cover?
- What is your favorite page in the story & why?
- Why did you put a donkey on every page?
- What do you like about being an author?
- We love your book. What made you want to become an author?
- What should we do when someone tells us, “when donkeys fly”?
- Do you have a special writing place?
At the end of the program, Ginger surprised the kids by singing a song for them based on the book. The kids loved it! We’ll definitely be scheduling more of these sessions!
Glad to see you are expanding the program.