Another day of MysteryQuest. 5 classes today from Michigan, Missouri and Ohio. I’m really enjoying the news shows with creative interruptions of “live news”. These classes really make the presentation fun to listen to and take notes on. A follow-up PowerPoint to a creative presentation really helps students take notes on the presentation.
Another thing I really enjoy is when classes have Spanish speaking students and some of the clues are given in Spanish and then translated. Usually classes do this for the Western Hemisphere countries.
We had some very clear PowerPoints in the session today. While I like to see creative presentations, clear large font PowerPoints are definitely the easiest to take notes on.
I saw a new skit idea today! Holmes Middle School, Flint, Michigan shared their clues in the form of a classroom skit. The student who was selected to play the role of teacher played the role with finesse and poise.
We had a few IP connection issues with one of the schools – maxed out bandwidth and poor video/audio quality, but we managed to work around it. The clear PowerPoints helped that school get their clues.
Another great day in MysteryQuest-land!