Guest blogged by Roxanne Glaser
Last week, I shared some tips to help you manage your time and to use a binder and a manila folder to help manage some of the information the you will need to support videoconferencing.
Next step is to have a process for managing your online accounts. Many content providers can be scheduled via fax, email or phone, but there are a few that we regularly use that require you to create an account.
- Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC)
(Click request programs or register for events now. It is below the “About CILC” button.) - Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
(Click on a grade level and then register and you will see the screen to create your account.) - Collaborations Around the Planet (more on this one tomorrow)
- COSI Columbus
(click online registration system) - NASA Digital Learning Network
(Click Event Catalog on the left. When you look at events, find one and click register.)
Download a copy of “Managing Your Online Accounts” to help you be organized as you work through creating accounts on the following sites. The key is that you want to have everything related to videoconferencing in one place and easily accessible.
1. Create an account on each of these sites. If you already have an account, try to remember the username and password and log in.
2. Write down all usernames and passwords on this sheet and attach it to your password folder and then keep it in a safe place.
3. Add any other usernames and passwords that you use for scheduling or requesting videoconferencing events at your location.
4. If you have any questions, add them in the comments of this post. We will be checking and replying there.