Here are some strategies for evaluating your videoconferences.
Evaluation with Students
Discuss the following questions after the videoconference.
- What did we learn from the other school (content, process, and culture)?
- What did we do well in the videoconference?
- What can we improve next time?
- What did we learn about videoconferencing from the partner school?
Content Evaluation
- Evaluate the students’ understanding of the content in traditional ways (tests, quizzes, etc.)
- Discuss with students how content knowledge was used in the videoconference and how their understanding was refined or extended.
Presentation Evaluation
- Use rubrics from or other sources to evaluate the students’ presentations.
- Discuss what worked well with students in presenting via videoconferencing and what could be improved.
Teacher Reflection
- Consider the following questions.
- How did the videoconference enhance or extend the students’ understanding of the topic?
- Was the videoconference technology transparent or did it interfere with the learning?
- What could make the interaction more effective?