This morning I’m connecting our 3rd videoconference of the year – Open Heart Surgery with COSI Columbus. It’s my first connection. This year was a harbinger of things to come. My first two VCs in the county were coordinated and connected by one of my districts all on their own. Training a new coordinator too! Our usage is growing so much I’m starting to let go & train my schools to do connections on their own.
The first two VCs we did were with MAGPI in Pennsylvania. They have a great lineup of programs for this year – and some models of programming worth learning from.
Sept. 15 Constitution Day Celebration: America Reads the Constitution
Students around the nation read the whole constitution. This was a really neat program where each class was assigned a portion of the constitution to read.
Sept. 25 Banned Books Virtual Panel Discussion
Students participated in a discussion of banned books along with Chris Crutcher and Sonya Sones. Scott Merrick posted a video clip of the program on his blog. One of our local students commented, “This was cool. Are we going to do this again?” VC motivates learning yet again!
Other First VCs
I also enjoyed reading about Avon Schools celebration of Constitution Day – Creating Classroom Rules and It’s My Right! And Andrea Isreali has a nice list of their first VCs of the year too.