Today we’re off to visit the Columbus Zoo in the first videoconference of this year. Thirteen third graders from Marie Wolford Elementary in Galien are learning about Animal Classification. As usual the Columbus Zoo is great at getting the kids to talk and interact during the program. The first animal students learned about was the legless lizard (see the picture). The Columbus Zoo always has wonderful hands-on activities for kids to do during the program. Today’s activities included writing out your home address to compare with the process of classification, and working in groups to classify pictures of animals. Some other pretty cool creatures were shown too!
The Columbus Zoo’s programs are excellent and they are booked pretty much solid for the fall already! So if you want to go to the Columbus Zoo, schedule soon!!
Do you still schedule field trips? Could you send me any information you may have about them? I co-teach a biology class at the high school where I work.
Thank you,
Amy Bradley
I schedule them for my schools. If you visit you can search biology and put “9” in the grade level field and you’ll get the high school options usually listed as 9-12. There are some intriguing possibilities for sure. Hope this helps.