How do you give a clue about the time zone of your state when it includes the name of your state? By giving a math problem!
EST -4; CST – 3, etc.
Notice the great background this school created for their clues! Snowshoes and airplanes give clues about the state.
Climate clue: Land + midnight + sun. Get it?
The presentation included rich visuals in many of the clues, especially the clues about the local Native American culture.
These clues are samples from Hunter Elementary, Fairbanks, Alaska, in today’s session of MysteryQuest USA. We’re always thrilled to have Alaska in our MysteryQuest USA sessions! We ended the session with a Q&A time, and then a snowball fight initiated by our Alaskan virtual friends. What a blast! Kids won’t forget this anytime soon!
Fantastic Job!!!! What a great display!
Thank you for sharing!
I think the kids of Hunter Elementary School of Fairbanks Alaska did a outstanding job! (the clues and posters were great). Way to go