Higher Ed Wikis: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Committees, and Peer Editing

USDLA 2013 Session: Higher Ed Wikis: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Committees, and Peer Editing

How can wikis be used in higher education? For collaboration, promoting critical thinking, managing committee work, and even peer editing! In this session, we will showcase a variety of wikis used at Andrews University, and share additional ideas for using wikis in face-to-face and distance classes.

What are Wikis?

Some Higher Education Wikis

Some K12 Wikis

Some Wikis I’ve Made

Using a Wiki in an Online Class

  • AVLN Pathways Wiki: Participants contribute to resources & write their lesson plans on the wiki. Both are required assignments.

Wiki Hosting Sites


Presentation PPT: Using a Wiki to Promote Collaboration and Critical Thinking

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