This post is an attempt at documenting the history of the 123 VC: Jazzing Up Your Curriculum with Videoconferencing workshop. I’ll include who participated that year, and any major contributions/changes from that year. Please comment and correct and suggest additions as needed!
Updated 8/3/2010.
- Lamar Consolidated ISD, Rosenberg, TX, Ken Conn
- Paris ISD, TX, Bennie Tschoerner
- Berrien County ISD, Janine Lim
- Schedule: Monday am intro to VC, Tues am Academic Challenges, Wed am MysteryQuest Beaches in the morning and ASK as a guest speaker in the afternoon, Thu am exchange simulation
- Moodle on Bennie’s server
- First time that MysteryQuest Beaches was used in a workshop
- First attempt at cross site groups, inspired by Carol Fleck and Kim Perry‘s presentation at Keystone 2004
- Lamar Consolidated ISD/Data Projections, Rosenberg, TX (Ken Conn and October Smith) (lead)
- El Paso ISD, TX (Ashton Graham)
- ESC Region 8, Mt. Pleasant TX (Adam Martinez and Vicki Allen)
- NYC DOE Region 4, New York (Andrea Israeli)
- Berrien County ISD, MI (Janine Lim) (lead)
- Cooperating School Districts, St. Louis, MO (Rebecca Morrison, Ruth Block and Martha Bogart)
- ESC Region 12, Waco TX (Roxanne Glaser and Shane Howard)
- Temple ISD, TX (Paula Yezak)
- First year of two simultaneous groups joining together
- Roxanne Glaser consolidated handouts into one file for the handbook, a major contribution
- First year of the quick contact list and connection charts (thanks to Roxanne)
- Settled on the morning simulations: Monday exchange, Tuesday Math Marvels, Wednesday MysteryQuest, Thursday ASK.
- Guest speakers were: Monday: Paul Hieronymous with his Jeopardy game; Tuesday: Teacher Testimonials with Stacy Bethel, Kim Pearce, and Pam Hamilton; Wed: CSD with Racial Dialogs and Trial by Wire and Andrea Israeli with Poetry Slam; Thu: GNG and Robert Symberlist from UKERNA
June Participants
- Berrien County ISD, MI (Janine Lim) (lead)
- ESC Region 12, Waco TX (Roxanne Glaser and Shane Howard)
- El Paso, TX (Ashton Graham)
July Participants
- Lamar Consolidated ISD/Data Projections, Rosenberg, TX (Ken Conn and October Smith) (lead)
- El Paso, TX (Ashton Graham)
- NCOESC, OH (Kathy Mohr)
- Berrien County ISD, MI (Janine Lim) (c0-lead)
- ESC Region 12, Waco TX (Roxanne Glaser and Shane Howard) (co-lead)
- ESC 8, TX (Jodie Ingram, Melodie Wahlert, Adam Martinez)
- ESC 10, TX (Vicki Allen, Lori Colwill, Bob Avant)
- Roxanne started us using Flickr to build community
- The year of the cockroaches
- First year with two sessions: June and July
- The June session was an experiment in doing Jazz in 4 days instead of 5
- Guest speakers: Monday Greenbush, Tuesday Teacher Testimonials and the Shane Howard show, Wednesday Global Nomads, Thursday CSD, MO and NOECA, OH
June Participants
- Berrien County ISD, MI, Janine Lim (lead)
- EduTech, ND, Kim Owen and Tabitha Lang
- El Paso ISD, TX, Ashton Graham
- Torfaen LEA, Wales, Steve Roberts
- ESC Region 12, Waco, TX Roxanne Glaser and Shane Howard (lead)
- Humble ISD, TX, Angela Conrad
- Dallas ISD, TX, Lori Colwill
July Participants
- Berrien RESA, MI, Janine Lim (lead)
- ESC Region 7, Kilgore, TX, Mary Smith and Glenda Hickey
- El Paso ISD, TX, Ashton Graham
- ESC Region 12, Waco, TX Roxanne Glaser and Shane Howard (lead)
- NCO ESC, OH, Kathy Mohr
- Fort Bend ISD, TX, Sally Staner
- Lamar Consolidated ISD/Data Projections, Rosenberg, TX (Ken Conn and October Smith) (lead)
- ESC Region 8, Mt. Pleasant, TX, Jodi Ingram and Melodie Wahlert
- GST BOCES, NY, René Carver
- Dallas ISD, TX, Lori Colwill and Vicki Allen
- First year with the UK time zone (Wales participation)
- First year with three groups in July
- Guest speakers: Monday: LEARNnco and Cleveland Museum of Art, Tuesday Teacher Testimonials, Wednesday Global Nomads, Thursday The Shane Howard Show and Kigluait Adventures
June Participants
- Berrien RESA, MI, Janine Lim (lead)
- Torfaen LEA, Wales, Steve Roberts
- SCOCA, OH, Melissa Higgs-Horwell
- ESC Region 7, Kilgore, TX, Mary Smith
- Hays CISD, TX, Christie Rickert
- Dallas ISD, TX, Lori Colwill (lead)
- El Paso ISD, TX, Ashton Graham
- Fort Bend ISD, Corlette Hill
- SD 73, Kamloops, BC, Tracy Poelzer
July Participants
- Lamar Consolidated ISD/Data Projections, Rosenberg, TX (Ken Conn and October Smith) (lead)
- NCO ESC, OH, Kathy Mohr and Paul Hieronymous
- Gladewater ISD, OH
- Dallas ISD, TX, Lori Colwill, (lead)
- El Paso, TX Ashton Graham
- Region 4, TX, Diane Edgar
- EduTech, ND, Kim Owen and Tabitha Lang
- ESC Region 12, Waco, TX Roxanne Glaser and Shane Howard (lead)
- Fort Bend ISD, TX, Sally Staner
- GST BOCES, René Carver
- First year with the Pacific time zone (British Columbia as new participating site)
- First year of the twitter/flickr fountain on the home page and the #jazzivc tag
- Switched from posting projects on to GoogleSites (one site per lead facilitator)
- Guest speakers: Monday: James Tapankov of VC7 and LEARNnco; Tuesday: San Francisco Giants and NASA; Wednesday: Global Nomads Group; Thursday: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Shane Howard.
June Participants
- Berrien RESA, MI, Janine Lim (lead)
- Hays CISD, TX (Christie Rickert)
- Killeen ISD, TX (Debbie Alston)
- Torfaen LEA, Wales (Lisa Bodenham and Steve Roberts)
- Dallas ISD, TX, Lori Colwill (lead)
- EduTech, ND, Kim Owen and Tabitha Lang
- El Paso ISD, TX, Ashton Graham
- SD 73, Kamloops, BC, Tracy Poelzer
July Participants
- Lamar Consolidated ISD/Data Projections, Rosenberg, TX (Ken Conn and October Smith) (lead)
- NORT2H, (Paul Hieronymous)
- Gladewater ISD, OH (Glenda Hickey)
- El Paso, TX (Ashton Graham)
- Dallas ISD, TX, Lori Colwill, (lead)
- Berrien RESA, MI (Janine Lim)
- CNYRIC, NY (Amy Spath)
- Fort Bend ISD, TX (Corlette Hill and team)
- Switched the website from Moodle to Joomla
- First year of the application to participate
- Guest speakers: Monday: The Mariners’ Museum and NASA; Tuesday: South Central Kansas ESC (June) and Kigluait Adventures (July) and Fort Worth Museum of Science and History; Wednesday: Global Nomads Group; Thursday: Teacher Testimonials hosted by GST BOCES and the Shane Howard show.
Graph of Participation
The following graph shows the total number of sites each year. If a site was in the June and July session both, they are counted two times.
Reflection Question:
Those of you who have participated in Jazz, what am I missing? What do you see as the greatest contribution of Jazz to your use of videoconferencing? Those of you who haven’t participated in Jazz, what questions are raised?
Hi Janine! I participated one year but I’m not sure which. I think it was 2008 with Angela Conrad.