Yesterday we finished our almost last Holiday Hoopla Snowman Swap. This was a new TWICE collaborative project and my teachers enjoyed it.
However, the snow really got in our way! The connections were supposed to be the last week in December before school was out for the holidays. The last one I have left is on its third reschedule due to snow & illness. But, none of my teachers have complained. They all comment that there’s still plenty of snow and that the VC is still appropriate!
I’ve enjoyed listening to the discussions of how much snow each school has, whether they have snow days, under what conditions they have recess inside instead of outside, etc.
We had a nice collection of creative snowmen. Here’s a few samples of the pairs:
This one was an Australian snowman! It’s hard to see in this picture, but there is a little kangaroo on his blue pants.
As you can tell, students certainly practiced their descriptive writing skills as well as the skill of following directions! This is a simple videoconference format, yet easily adaptable to many different themes. You too could swap snowmen!