Kid2Kid Videoconference Connections is starting next week. This class is offered only once a year, so consider registering!
If you’re interested in free videoconferences, you need to be doing projects or class to class connections, also known as kid2kid connections. If you want to focus in depth on creating and implementing projects, this class is for you!
We’ll spend October learning the background of projects and project based learning. In October you’ll find a partner to do projects with during the year. Then in November, you’ll plan five projects, while learning about five big categories of collaborative projects. Then December through May, you’ll implement those projects with assistance from the instructor (me!) and your classmates!
You can read more about the online class here as well as how to register. We’ll take registrations all through Oct. 6 as the first week in the class is mostly introductions.
I encourage you to participate if you want to focus on collaborative projects. My local media specialists and teachers who took the class last year exponentially increased the use of VC in their buildings due to taking the class and applying what they learned. Worth the time & effort!