I just found this in my email from the Collaboration Collage listserv.
We are in the planning stages of Elevate 2008, an international conference on K-12 educational videoconferencing to be held in Banff, Alberta August 24-28, 2008. We are searching for possible keynote presenters at this time. If you have any ideas you wish to share with me, please email me at daniel.maas@gov.ab.ca. To find out more information about Elevate 2008, please visit http://www.vcalberta.ca/elevate2008. Thank you!
Danny MaasProject Coordinator, Videoconferencing
Stakeholder Technology Branch
Alberta Education10th floor, 44 Capital Boulevard
10044-108 StEdmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 5E6
Tel (780) 415-0820Fax (780) 415-1091
I was in Alberta last summer for their Summer Broadband Conference and it was excellent. I’m sure this is going to be THE K12 videoconferencing event you won’t want to miss! I know I’m marking my calendar and starting to save pennies to get there!