Marzano: Providing Recognition

This post is part of a series on integrating the McREL research on classroom instruction that works with videoconferencing.

Providing Recognition: Generalizations

  1. Rewards do not necessarily have a negative effect on intrinsic motivation.
  2. Reward is most effective when it is contingent on the attainment of some standard of performance.
  3. Abstract symbolic recognition (e.g., praise) is more effective than tangible rewards (e.g., candy, money).


Use these to improve your practice.

  1. Personalize recognition.
  2. Use the Pause, Prompt, and Praise strategy.
  3. Use concrete symbols of recognition (Pitler, et al., 2007, p. 59-60).

Brainstorming for Videoconferencing

Most of the ideas in this area are on giving students certificates (printed and online), posting exemplary work online, using response systems to give recognition, and giving students recorded audio messages.

Interestingly, videoconferencing is included again as a way to have students communicate with professionals and peers as authentic audiences. The Global WRITeS project was featured as a way for students to perform and judge poetry. I’ve blogged about this project when it was presented at NECC last year. Andrea Israeli blogs about this project too. Students receive both authentic feedback from the poet and peers, as well as getting recognition for work well done.

Other ways that students receive recognition in current programs we do are:

  • Students hearing their names in a videoconference. When the author or expert listens to a student question and then uses their name back, students LOVE it!
  • Complimenting classes. When the facilitator in a project such as MysteryQuest or Monster Match congratulates the class on their monster match or their good note-taking, classes receive recognition.
  • Can you think of any others?

New Ideas

  • Performance Judging. This idea of having students perform and then be judged (using agreed upon criterion) can be used beyond poetry. What else? Dance, music, and speech. How about student created videos on multiple topics, as organized so efficiently by @roxanneglaser with Texas Twisted Weather and Imagine It!
  • Goal sharing. What if students could share, say towards the end of the year, some of their goals and how they accomplished them? Could sharing with another class (authentic audience) how they achieved the goal provide recognition? They could be motivated and inspired by the other class too. Is that too crazy of an idea? What do you think?

What other ideas pop into your head?

Reference: Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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