Planning Interactive Curriculum Connections starts on Monday, Sept. 10! We still have room if you want to participate. Read here for details and how to sign up. This class covers an introduction to videoconferencing equipment; content providers, guest speakers and other sources of curriculum content; preparing for videoconferences; and creating projects and/or creating a plan for supporting VCs in your service area. We usually have a wide range of participants, and this time we have a participant from Hawaii. You can still sign up today or Monday. Click here for more details or email me if you have any questions.
Comments from past participants:
- “I feel like I really got my money’s worth from this class! Thanks for offering it!”
- “As a media specialist, I think this course would be extremely useful for my teachers and staff.”
- “This is actually the first on-line course I’ve taken, and I am quite impressed. Obviously you’ve put much time and thought into these materials and methods. I got a number of good ideas and insights from the other participants postings and replies to posts. Discussion of this type is a key to understanding and internalizing new information.”
Hope you can join us!