This morning I popped into the SIG IVC Ops room to see what’s happening. Today at ISTE the videoconferencing peeps are running remote ISTE. Remote ISTE is a way to bring a day full of ISTE experiences to a site that is remote.
Every year one of the sites is always from the state that is hosting ISTE the following year – so this year MAGPI is hosting Remote ISTE for Pennsylvania. You can check out their website here to see how they are organizing it. There are three other places across the U.S. hosting Remote ISTE.
It costs about $1500 to host a remote ISTE; and you have to have videoconferencing capabilities (H323!). Some places pay the cost for their attendees, other places charge their attendees to recoup the cost.
The agenda for today includes:
- Introduction to the ISTE Conference
- Keynote: Innovation and Excellence: Buzz Words or Global Imperative?
- Virtual Environments (Second Life) with Scott Merrick
- Workshop: Google Guide: 29 Secrets for Using Google in the Classroom with Howie DiBlasi
- Afternoon poster sessions
- Concurrent session: Digital Learning Farm: Students as Contributers
- Wrap up
So if you ever wondered why there aren’t any more SIG IVC sessions on Tuesday, it’s because the crew is busy with remote NECC. I did find a couple other poster/sessions and will blog those later today. Don’t forget also that you can follow ISTE remotely with ISTE Unplugged.
Hi Janine,
Thanks for sharing this. Craig Mollerstuen the Remote ISTE chairman did a great job again this year.
One point I did want to mention. The Tuesday IVC sessions are based on the conference selection committee. Remote ISTE does not factor into this. Last year we had several connections on Tuesday and we would love to see more.
Tuesday’s sessions are lecture, panel or model classrooms http://goo.gl/EWV8. If a session is selected and uses IVC we will provide IVC equipment and support. The IVC Showcase is a day dedicated to IVC. To get more IVC on Tuesday we need more proposals targeting these session types.
The IVC sessions were packed again this year and rumor has it that we could be seeing a larger room next year (fingers crossed).
Thanks again for sharing this.
Hi Paul – thanks for clarifying that! So I guess we need to get a whole lot more submissions! Must get people to present!! (How many have to get rejected to get one in?)