Guest Blogged by Dennis Lundgren, Berrien RESA Director of Instructional Technology
On Monday, May 11, 2009 Berrien RESA Superintendent Jeff Siegel hosted a fabulous celebration of the completion of our $350,000 RUS grant (USDA Rural Utilities Service Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant). We honored the schools, Principals, Tech Directors and building videoconferencing coordinators with a reception and awarded plaques from Berrien RESA.
Special guests and speakers included the field representative of our US Congressional Representative Fred Upton (minority leader of the Internet and Telecom subcommittee), our State Senator Ron Jelinek, one of our State Representatives, Sharon Tyler, and we read a letter from another State Representative, John Proos. Rep. Upton and Rep. Proos do annual videoconferences with high school government classes. Three members of our Board of Education also attended.
Janine and I facilitated schools receiving their plaques from our Superintendent Jeff Seigel and the legislators. The school folks were very appreciative of the recognition.
A highlight of the event was a presentation by Dr. Dennis Rudy, President of Lakehouse Evaluation. We contracted with Lakehouse Evaluation to conduct an evaluation of the grant. He shared a dynamite executive summary. The report is very powerful – we delivered a quality program and we have the documentation to show the success.