Here’s an ad I’m sending out on the SBC listserv. But maybe some of you here could help me as well?
***High School Sonnets***
1. I have two senior classes who have written Shakespearean sonnets. We want a class who would share their sonnets with us for an exchange. We are looking for two classes, one at 7:30-8:30 AM EST and another at 1:30-2:30 AM EST. Email me if you can do this –
***Middle School Robotics***
2. Here’s the note from my teacher:
Please ask other middle schools or junior high schools that are involved
with robotics if they would be interested in getting to know via e-mail
(approx. 2 weeks prior to the event) a group of 8th grade students who are
involved in learning how to build and program Lego robots. Then get
together via distance learning for a time of sharing what they have done
with their robots. Our students have just been introduced to these robots,
and we want to give them some additional experience before we try competing
with other schools.
Date: April 12 either at 8:00 am or 2:00 pm
Email me – to participate.