We all know that more research needs to be done on videoconferencing. So, help that get done by completing two surveys today! These are two direct quotes from emails.
The first is from the UK:
Dear Colleagues,
I hope you can take a few minutes to help with a survey that my daughter Tamsin has prepared. Tamsin is preparing a dissertation looking at the impact of videoconferencing in the classroom. The survey is designed to give her research some basic information about who, why and where VC is being used. Tamsin is a student at City University, London, studying Business computing. Her particular interest is HCI (Human Computer Interaction) which is why she is interested in videoconferencing.
The URL for the survey is:
I am also hoping to introduce this method of getting feedback for the VC sessions next year. It will be interesting to see the response and the information the survey generates.
Many Thanks in advance.
Global-Leap/ Videoconferencing in the Classroom Teachers Association
Supporting, Delivering and Extending Content and Promoting Interactive Communication Technology to add value to teaching and learning across the curriculum around the world.
Global-Leap/ Videoconferencing in the Classroom Teachers Association is a Not-for-Profit organisation funded by UK member subscriptions.
And the second from Massachusetts:
I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and I am surveying K-12 videoconferencing educators, as part of my research.
Click on this link to be taken directly to the survey:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=161492304337
This study looks at ways videoconferencing is actually used in classrooms. We are trying to identify some videoconferencing techniques that are based on learning theory so that everyone may benefit from this information.
Your participation in this survey will be confidential and only studied as part of a group. You will remain anonymous. Also, I will post the results back to this listserv, so that you may use this research when writing grants, planning research or while implementing more videoconferencing opportunities.
The results of this survey will be useful to educators using videoconferencing as well as future research projects.
If you have questions you can e-mail me at sweeneym@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Thank you so much for your contribution to technology research,Marilyn A. Sweeney
Doctoral Candidate
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Technology Integration Specialist
Chelmsford Public Schools
Take just a few minutes today to support VC research with your time!
[…] I saw these requests come through the listservs and then found that Janine had already blogged them…read more on her latest post. […]