Today I presented with Elaine Shuck at the International Forum of Women in E-Learning in San Antionio, TX, sponsored by USDLA. Here are some resources and links that we shared today.
Presentation PPT: IFWE 2014 Taming the Email Tiger
Here are the articles and resources mentioned:
Managing Email Folders
- Empty your inbox with the trusted trio
- 5 Folders: The simple system for getting your email inbox to zero
- Archive, Action, Waiting
- Follow Up, Archive, Hold
- Filed, Urgent, Research More, Waiting
Email Filters and Rules
- Email filtering strategies
- Outlook 2010 email filter directions
- Outlook 2013 email filter directions
Managing Listserv Articles and Information
Email Behaviors
- French company bans internal email
- Five tricks to finally achieve Inbox Zero
- Inbox Zero: Five sneaky email cheats
- Inbox Zero: Action based email
- Getting Things Done Lifehacker primer
- Personal Kanban
- Zen to Done: The ultimate simple productivity system
- Alternatives to GTD
- PowerUp
Email Integrations and Apps
- Evernote
- OneNote
- Smartphone Apps
- Cloudmagic (that’s the one that I use; love the cards and the conversation tracking)
- Mailbox – send emails away for later; auto-swipe learns your common actions
- Services to deal with the mass of emails:
Participant Shared Resources
- TED Talk David Pogue on email templates and other topics