This morning Marcellus Middle School students are sharing skits and vignettes in response to reading the book, The Giver. They also shared posters and other visual representations that captured the essence of the book and the issues within it.
These students prepared this presentation for Read Around the Planet, but had put so much work into the skits they wanted to share them with more classes who had read the book. So we ended up with 6 classes in Michgian, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The students made their presentation.
Then they asked all the sites some questions about the book:
- Can you see yourself living in a town like Jonas with no color?
- What are some benefits to living in a community like Jonas?
Then, again in round robin fashion, each site had a chance to ask questions or give a comment on the presentation.
- How long did you practice the skits?
- How long did it take to make the props?
- Did you come up with the skits all by yourself?
- Did you read the book yourselves or as a class?
We did have a few classes who hadn’t read the book, so Marcellus posed a few questions specifically to those who had. Questions such as, “What do you think happened to Gabe and Jonas at the end of the book?”
I’m so proud of Marcellus Middle School, one of the RUS grant buildings that received equipment this past summer. The use of camera presets, good strong audio from the students, visuals, good questions and interaction. They’ve put their learning to work and this videoconference was a great example of how they’ve become pros at videoconferencing!