Andrews University Faculty Institute Presentation 2015
I’m presenting with Dr. Alayne Thorpe, Dean of the Andrews University School of Distance Education and International Partnerships, and Dr. Leni Casimiro, Director of AIIAS Online, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies
Social Media in an Online Week of Prayer
Leni is sharing the experiences and use of social media for offering an online week of prayer to students in many countries.
- Read a news article about the online week of prayer
- Online Week of Prayer Moodle site (login required)
An Exploration of Several Tools
- Twitter
- Inside Higher Ed on Twitter
- US Dept of Education on Twitter
- Examples of professional journals and organizations on Twitter: Association for Learning Technology, Community of Inquiry
- Tweekdeck
- YouTube
- Facebook
- Professional association online: AERA SIGIT
- Andrews University
- Andrews University Office of Research and Creative Scholarship
- Eyejot for video mail
- Nearpod for organizing resources for students
Questions to Consider
- How can social media help students connect to the world?
- How can social media and other digital tools bridge the global divide?
For Further Reading
- The Art of Social Media
- Platform: Get Noticed in Noisy World
- 10 Rock Star Teachers on Twitter (follow them!)
- How Social Media Helps Students Adapt to College
- Know Thy Selfie: Sample Assignment for Students
- Social Media Skirmishes: Universities and Faculty Free Speech
- TED Talks on Social Media
- How to Curate Your Digital Identity as an Academic