Presenters: Jay Moody, Canton Local Digital Academy with Drew Clark, Greg Fach and Dale Rush.
Another gold nugget I found today was also in the Student Showcase posters. In a nutshell, a high school teacher created lessons for elementary and middle school to go along with a trip to a location (Disney and National Everglades) with the digital iMovie class high school students. The high school students videotaped programs and the elementary students back in the home county consortium watched them and did the lessons to go with them. In addition, they have a wonderful Polycom satellite truck, identical to the one that Bob Dixon put together for Ohio State University, and that Stark Parks uses for their videoconferencing. From the satellite truck, they bring experts and interviews from wherever they went (National Everglades for example) and connect back to their classes & share with each other. Very cool stuff.
This website has the archived video and lesson plans etc. (wrap around materials as CILC calls them) to go with the videoconferences.
I had the privilege of talking with the elementary students who participated in the conference. The students enjoyed learning about Disney and the Everglades from other students!