Need to understand more about what VC is doing on your network and how it works? Just saw this announcement on the Megaconference Listserv:
This workshop is available again May 7-8th. You can attend on site in Madison, Wisconsin. This time, the program director is also allowing participants at a limited number of H.323 videoconference sites, I think that includes HD. Contact Prof. Thomas Smith as listed in the brochure at
I went to this workshop a while back when I thought I didn’t know enough to learn anything from it, but surprisingly I did! You can read my past blog posts about this workshop here and here.
They don’t pay me, or even ask me, to advertise this workshop. I’m just sharing it with you because it was such a benefit to me.
Agreed. It was valuable getting the background on the technology and I still regularly consult the manual that came with the course. Is anyone else offering anything comparable?
Jason – not that I know of. I think it’s also unique in that it is vendor agnostic. 🙂 And therefore you get a less biased picture.