Global Poster Session: Diane Midness, iEARN-USA with Tonya Muro Phillips, Global Nomads Group.
Last night in the poster sessions, Diane and Tonya explained how GNG and iEARN partnered to extend the learning in the GNG videoconferences. Global Nomads does amazing programs by taking videoconferencing equipment onsite to remote locations throughout the world.
Featured programs included Haiti and Uganda, and you can see more clips of their programs online here.
Tonya and Diane talk to interested poster session participants.
It was great to see how GNG and iEARN have partnered. GNG is good at videoconferencing, and iEARN is good at the asynchronous online community. The iEARN sites provide follow-up and continued conversations between the schools that participated in the kick-off videoconferencing. A great model!