If you’re interested in doing a videoconference related to math, you may have found that there aren’t as many opportunties as other subject areas. However, there are still some good choices.
Content Providers
- On the Wall: Drawing on Math from the Indianapolis Museum of Art. We’ve really enjoyed this program. Students use math to solve an art problem, show their solutions to the presenter, and then at the end of the videoconference they see how the artist solved the problem. Real-world applications of perimeterand area!
- We really like the Lake County Waste Management District, and they offer two free programs: Scales & Tales – Environmental Fun with Measuring and also Talkin’ Trash. I haven’t seen these two particular programs, but I’ve heard good things from DL colleagues who have done them.
- If you’ve been reading this blog, you already know we love COSI Toledo here in Berrien County. Andy Campbell has a program called What’s the Chance? If it’s anything like the rest of his programs, it will be excellent!
- We enjoy the Baseball Hall of Fame as well. They have a program called Math: Batter Up for 5th grade & up. It covers long division, batting averages, and slugging percentages.
- Another possibility is Mathematical Visions from the Rutgers Camden Center for the Arts. I haven’t seen this one yet, but it sounds interesting. Same with Ani-math from the Indianapolis Zoo.
Math Projects with Other Classes
Don’t forget that you can do creative math projects with other classes. These are usually free too! Here’s some possibilities:
- Math Problem Solving is an idea shared by teachers at a TWICE workshop.
- Linda McDonald, Katy ISD, TX, has a great project she runs called Math Marvels. Her website has the flyer information, sample problems, etc. under Documents. (Note, the links don’t work if you’re using Firefox, so look at this in Internet Explorer.)
- I’m sure you can think of other ways your math class could share a love of math with another class!
To my local teachers, email me or visit www.remc11.k12.mi.us/dl to schedule any of these videoconferences.