Presented at USDLA 2014 by Mickey Revenaugh from Connections Learning and Juontonio Pinckney from the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.
I attended this session because I’m very interested in other partnerships between higher ed and K12. It’s something we are trying to strengthen within our system, so it’s always nice to hear what others are doing. The Thurgood Marshall College Fund is looking to create partnerships to increase the success rates of black males in particular. They are starting by partnering with the high school that is in the same town or affiliated with an HBCU in that town. In addition, they are partnering with Connections Learning to add a blended learning space – that is way beyond the traditional lab of computers for taking online classes. It’s a space to inspire students – that is attractively organized, includes space to collaborate, discuss, access online resources, and even has a fitness center! I am very intrigued by the convergence of whole person education, personalization, online, face-to-face, and reaching an underserved population. Inspiring!
Thanks! RT @outonalim: Blogged: Why Thurgood Marshall College Fund is Building Blended Lab Schools: #usdla14
RT @tmcf_hbcu: Thanks! RT @outonalim: Blogged: Why Thurgood Marshall College Fund is Building Blended Lab Schools: #…