Today we had three 1st grade art classes participate in a videoconference with The Cleveland Museum of Art. The program was A is for Apple, A is for Art.
Students looked carefully at three different paintings with apples (Renoir, Matisse, and Picasso) and answered questions by Arielle, the presenter. Students learned about shadows and named the girl and dog in a picture. They learned to notice other colors used to make shadows in paintings, and to notice colors that are reflections off of other colors. They learned to think about where the reflection might be coming from.
To take a break part way through the program, the students sang a little song about an apple (to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider), led by Kevin who usually runs the computer/visuals during the VC.
Once a little apple seed was planted in the ground…
Arielle does a great job at talking to the kids at their level. She asks them questions to get them to notice different aspects of the painting, interacting at appropriate grade level the whole time.
This was an awesome program, and I loved hearing it three times in a row!