Today is the fourth anniversary of my blog! For your amusement, here are a few stats:
- 848 Posts
- 6 Pages
- 30 Categories
- 64 Tags
- 647 Approved Comments
- Total views: 140,714
- Busiest day: 384 (February 11, 2009)
I thought it would be interesting to celebrate the growth of blogging about videoconferencing. When I first started, no one was blogging about videoconferencing. So I’d like to share with you some of my favorite posts from other VC bloggers.
- If I Had Just Two Wings, Andrea Israeli‘s description of organizing her first ASK program on her own
- For All of the DL Parrot Heads by Arnie Comer and the follow-up post with video clip.
- Miami, How Does Your Garden Grow (scroll to the bottom) by Paul Hieronymous. I love this collaboration idea and use it often in my presentations.
- It was hard to pick one of Carol Daunt‘s posts. She regularly shares good resources. A recent favorite is this list of videos on videoconferencing. I’m working on a collaborative project built around that list!
- Rebecca Morrison at CSD in MO shares lots of program possibilities, upcoming author interviews and more. I often learn about GNG’s programs first on her blog. She also does great reviews of programs, for example this review of the Edgar Allan Poe program from the Center for Puppetry Arts.
- Lori Colwill is a newcomer to VC blogging, but already making great contributions. I was inspired by her recent post on African-American History Month Activities.
- Christina and Rick Hum share in depth thinking about videoconferencing and education in general. A recent thought-provoking post was on Why Videoconferencing?
- Finally, Roxanne Glaser continues to challenge and stretch my thinking with her insightful posts. Two posts, Videoconference Glossary and Collaboration or Project? have greatly influenced my thinking and work in VC.
Isn’t it amazing, this community of VC bloggers we’ve grown with and learned together through the last four years! I’m delighted to count you all my good “VC buddies!”
So, how about you? Any favorite VC posts from either my blog or others that you read? Please comment!
Photo Credit: Desandies, Manyee. img_0672.jpg. July 2, 2004. Pics4Learning. 24 Mar 2009 <>
Janine, congrats and thanks for including CSD on this awesome list! I like coming to your blog for reasons such as this- you have really great posts, and include several vc colleagues from across the country….and the globe. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for your kind words, Rebecca!! I just learned about another GNG program already from your blog. 🙂
Happy blogiversary Janine! What a shining light this blog has been for me! Thank you for your effort and insight!
Congrats Janine! : 0)
Thanks, Heather! Somehow I missed your blog in my list. You’ve done some great useful posts recently, especially this one on Facilitating Multisite Discussions. I look forward to hearing more from you too in the coming VC/blog years.
Happy Birthday, Outonalim!
Thanks for the mention on your blog. I appreciate so much your leaving a clear trail for those of us who came into the field and have learned so much from you.
Keep up the excellent work!