My Michigan friends, if you’re going to the MACUL conference, don’t miss Linda McConville’s session on Read Around the Planet on Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. in the TWICE room, W2-66. Linda’s class, back at her school, will be connecting to Bishop Gore School in Swansea, South Wales, in the United Kingdom.
I just received a CC of the emails between the two teachers, and look what a treat we’ll listen to from Wales!
Our pupils are divided in to 2 groups, one of whom will cover information and images about Swansea; the other half will explain the history and current details about our school. We have just held our patron Saint’s day at school ( St. David’s Day on 1st March) when we celebrate with an ‘Eisteddfod‘ which is a cultural presentation of music, song, dance, poetry and literature. My class, 7S, won the category of Welsh song, and they will perform this on Friday to conclude their presentation.
Just a little taste of the exciting sessions we’ll experience in the TWICE room, W2-66, this year!