Just finished the one hour version of my 4th of July all day workshop – Designing Quality Interactive Projects for Videoconferencing. The room was packed again – standing room only. It was interesting to see the high level of interest! We connected to Jenny Homer (through Global Leap and JVCS) in the United Kingdom and she shared her experiences participating in the pilot international Read Across America (in this case, Read Across the Atlantic).
Then we talked about what VC is – the continuum of VC and shared lots of project stories. I did add three slides to my PowerPoint, so if you’ve downloaded it already you might want to get it again. I added them based on some of the questions people asked in the workshop on Tuesday.
I added these questions to ask before you start designing a project:
- What is my required curriculum?
- What can my students learn from connecting to another class?
- How does it add value to the lesson?
- What benefit is gained in greater curriculum understanding because the students collaborated with another class?
I added a reminder about ISTE NETS for Students Standard #4:
- Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences.
- Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.
And I added Bernie Dodge’s “Five Words” that intrigued me so much yesterday. I had everyone pair-share really quickly some ideas on those 5 words, but didn’t give them enough time. But I encouraged everyone (and I encourage you too!) to keep thinking about these five words!
- Design
- Decide
- Create
- Predict
- Analyze
We had a great time! Lots of people wanted to talk afterwards and I have a badge holder bulging with business cards. People were networking with each other too. Yeah! That’s what it’s all about!!!