- p. 244 Quoting Bill Gates: Our university system is the best … Our university system is competitive and experimental.
p. 245 Coupled with America’s unique innovation-generating machines – universities, public and private research labs, and retailers – we have the best-regulated and most efficient capital markets in the world….
Seems clear from this we must encourage students to attend college! - p. 256 Quoting Sean O’Keefe, “Our mission of understanding and protecting our home planet and exploring the universe and searching for life will not be carried out if we don’t have the people to do it.” We must encourage students to study science, engineering, math, and technology. I can make a tiny ripple in this great need by encouraging teachers to participate in videoconferences with NASA and creating and facilitating other engaging, challenging science and math experiences.
- p. 258. Students deciding on a career in engineering or science in middle school today won’t complete advanced training for science and engineering occupations until 2018 or 2002. If we need more people in these areas, we need to be inspiring middle school students now to consider math, science and engineering careers. Even more compelling is this quote from p. 275. Because it takes 15 years to create a scientist or advanced engineer, starting from when that young man or woman first gets hooked on science and math in elementary school, we should be embarking on an all-hands-on-deck, no-holds-barred, no-budget-too-large crash program for science and engineering education immediately.
I know I can only make a tiny ripple. That ripple is probably this: what VC experiences can I provide/encourage that will inspire students? - p. 261. A professor lamented that other than two of his students, they lacked the creativity, problem-solving abilities and passion for learning that would make them worth hiring. How can I make a little dent in students’ creativity, passion for learning and problem-solving skills? I think MysteryQuest makes a tiny dent in this area, but much more needs to be done!
- But it’s not just the creativity skills they need! Basic skills are crucial too! p. 264. Those who think that the more rote learning systems of China and Japan can’t turn out innovators who can compete with Americans are sadly mistaken. Quoting Bill Gates, “I have never met the guy who doesn’t know how to multiply who created software. . .”This seems to contradict what Weinberger shared in the opening keynote at NECC, which I missed since I was still flying in. From the NECC Daily Newspaper I gleaned the idea that Weinberger didn’t think kids needed to learn facts like basic math facts and the state capitols because they can look it up on Google. See blog entries by Andy, David and others…. This seems to contradict what Weinberger shared in the opening keynote at NECC, which I missed since I was still flying in. From the NECC Daily Newspaper I gleaned the idea that Weinberger didn’t think kids needed to learn facts like basic math facts and the state capitols because they can look it up on Google. See blog entries by , and others….I think I’m leaning towards the idea that creativity is built on basic knowledge… which way do you lean?