Blogging the 2014 AECT International Convention.
I’m new to AECT, and some colleagues recommended that I attend the Breakfast with Champions on Thursday morning. I’m also new to higher ed educational technology. AECT seems to consider itself THE organization for educational technology and instructional design for higher education. My take is that it is much more research-based and less cool-tool-based than ISTE; more like AERA in it’s research and theory focus.
Because my training is in K12 ed tech, online learning, and leadership, I’m not yet familiar with the big names at this convention. So, I’m doing my own little investigation here to get a feel for the conversations that happen via AECT events.
So I’m listing here the names for the Champions Breakfast, and then linking to info about them, and what their main field/area of research seems to be at a quick glance. I welcome comments and corrections!
Top Professionals
- MJ Bishop, AECT Board Member
- Robert Maribe Branch, University of Georgia
- Ward Cates, Lehigh University
- Clarence Chu, National Taiwan University
- Richard Albert Cornell, University of Central Florida
- Marcy P. Driscoll, Florida State University
- Peg Ertmer, Purdue University
- Michael M Grant, University of Memphis
- Editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning
- President of the Research & Theory Division of AECT
- Past Chair of SIG-IT for AERA
- Andrew Gibbons, Brigham Young University
- MIchael Hannafin, University of Georgia
The Design Development and Evaluation of Instructional Software
- Case-based activity, case-based reasoning
- Development of frameworks for designing and testing Open-Ended Learning Environments (OELEs) and Resource-Based Learning Environments (RBLEs)
- Steve Harmon, Georgia State University
- Charles Hodges, Georgia Southern University
- Ellen Hoffman, University of Hawaii – Manoa
- Aytekin Isman, Sakarya University
- Roberto Joseph, Hofstra University
- Eugene Kowch, University of Calgary – Faculty of Ed
- James Klein, Florida State University
- In Sook Lee, Sejong University
- Trey Martindale, University of Memphis
- M. David Merrill, Retired Utah State University
- Leslie Moller, Walden University
- (past chair for AERA SIG Instructional Technology)
- The Next Generation of Distance Education
- Kay Persichitte, University of Wyoming
- Thomas C. Reeves, University of Georgia
- Lloyd Rieber, University of Georgia
- Charles Morgan Reigeluth, Indiana University
- Robert Reiser, Florida State University
- MaryFriend Shepard, Walden University
- Sharon Smaldino, Northern Illinois University
- Jonathan M Spector, Department of Learning Technologies
- Monica Tracey, Wayne State University
- David Wiley, Brigham Young University
- Patricia Young, University of Maryland Baltimore Co.