Blogging the 2014 AECT International Convention.
Yesterday Barb Hall and I facilitated a workshop on intersubjectivity. Our workshop materials are on our intersubjectivity wiki so you can explore further.
As always, when I work with Barb, I learn something new or find new concepts to ponder. I appreciate the partnership that allows for continued learning!
Notes, Ideas & Resources
Here are some notes, interesting ideas, and resources that came out of the workshop:
- Conversation: Is constructionism a philosophy or a learning theory?
- Remember: interaction is the process, and intersubjectivity is the product created when citing sources and peers in peer responses to synthesize new knowledge
- We created synchronous intersubjectivity in the introductions – the participants talked to each other, and then came up with a table name and introduced the table (as opposed to just individual introductions)
- Sentence starters can assist students in creating responses at higher levels – i.e. “I see it another way”. Accountable talk is a source for additional sentence starts.
Participant Representation of Intersubjectivity One of the differences to reach intersubjectivity is actually thinking about what the other person said and referring to what they said in your response
- The difficulty of making connections or thinking of a way to bridge ideas. A safe place is needed online to practice these types of responses, a place that allows for experimenting with the ideas.
- Taxonomies other than Bloom’s: Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix of Webb & Bloom; Marzano’s New Taxonomy
- When teaching adult learners, it is important to include their experience in the discussion prompt
- For discussion prompts in the STEM fields, have students share how they solved the problem. There is a right answer, but there are different ways of getting there. They can learn from each other’s methods of problem solving.
- It seems also that creating more structure and direction for peer responses would help. Some of the structures from this Critical Thinking site could be helpful for requirements for peer responses.
- Tip for facilitators: use the IAM phase and try to work at phase 3 – modeling for the students making connections between the different peer responses.
- I’m still mulling over the tendency to write discussion requirements about logistics (1 initial post, 2 replies, post by Wed, etc.) vs. the possibilities around writing discussion requirements that are content/intersubjectivity based.
- F2F teaching techniques such as group roles, fishbowl discussions, 360 evals are all useful online as well.
IAM Phase Sentence Starters
1. Sharing and Comparing
- I agree because…
- Something like that happened to me when…
- I saw the same thing happen…
- What do you mean by…
- So, you think the problem is…
- How would you describe…
2. Dissonance
- While you think, I actually think…
- I am not sure I agree…
- Is it that you think X, or is it that you think Y?
- Consider that the textbook says…
- I don’t think we really disagree, it’s just that…
3. Negotiation and Co-Construction
- If we use your example, then…
- So taken together, we’re saying…
- While that may be true, consider…
- While I still disagree with X, I do think you’re / we agree about Y…
- So, you’re really thinking that X means Y, when I think that X means Z…
4. Testing Tentative Constructions
- That hasn’t been my experience, though…
- That disagrees with Author’s findings that…
- This doesn’t make sense when you consider…
- This makes sense when consider Author stated that…
- I don’t know if that would apply for the X community…
5. Statement & Application of Newly Constructed Knowledge
- Let’s apply this new idea to X…
- I could use this new idea when I…
- In thinking this through, I learned that…
- So if what we’re saying is accurate, then…
- As a result of this discussion, I now think…