Every year I can tell when MEAP, our state testing, is over. All of a sudden I have an onslaught of videoconferences. Most of you know I’m the tech and the coordinator in our service area, so it can get crazy. Today was one of those days! Last week’s ASK Ice Bear & Little Fox program got rescheduled to today, the same day I did ASK Stellaluna. Plus I had three schools connected to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago for their Live From the Heart program this morning. I’m also starting to finally get the hang of making gatekeeper calls work within my districts and to my bridge. Today’s videoconferences impacted 20 classrooms and about 570 students. Plus 8 RUS Grant buildings did their first VCs.
Of course with that many sessions, there’s always oopses. We had a timezone oops for one of the sessions. And I accidentally connected the wrong building for another. But other than that all the connections worked & the kids and teachers are happy with the learning.
Now that these connections are done, I can breathe again. Whew. I made it!
Congrats on surviving the onslaught Janine! Sorry I wasn’t one of the educators trying to cram your schedule full of videoconferences 🙂 Enjoy the break, although I’m sure you’ll have another busy season as the holidays approach.