Last post from the CILC Symposium 2007.
Yesterday, November 13, at the luncheon, the NDLW awards were given out. I was glad that some of my favorite people won – COSI Columbus, and the AT&T Videoconferencing website (which started so many of us on our videoconferencing journey.)
But my favorite award winners were Roxanne Glaser and Shane Howard from Region 12, TX. We collaborate on so many events with Region 12 – the sharing goes both ways for projects like MysteryQuest, ASK, Monster Match, Jazz, Mini-Jazz, etc. etc.
Dona Weber, OH, was gracious enough to take this picture of the three of us. And Roxanne was so kind to let me hold her award for the MysteryGuest PD model – which is a really cool extension of the MQ idea and you should check it out.
Congratulations Roxanne & Shane for awards well deserved! And also to all the others who also won or who were nominated.
[…] Shane and I were honored with National Distance Learning Week Awards this week at the CILC Symposium in Indianapolis, Indiana. We actually got to go onsite which was a surprise to many as I had previously blogged that I would not be there and someone else would have to do some serious blogging! […]
Way to go Roxanne! Nice picture of you guys!
Congrats to you too Shane!!
Congrats everyone!
Janine, I like you videoconference blue jacket and scarf!
Or, I like YOUR jacket… oh, typos!!! 🙂