NECC Workshop: Designing IVC Projects

This morning I remotely presented a workshop for NECC: Designing Quality Interactive Projects for Videoconferencing (this second link goes to the handouts too). We had a full crowd with 30 participants onsite in Atlanta, and 4 participants onsite here in my distance learning room.

I wanted to model this year’s NECC workshop after the Mini-Jazz workshops I’ve done with Roxanne this past year.  So after a short introduction to videoconferencing and what you can do with it, we divided into groups and everyone got on camera and introduced their group. In the process, I was able to provide some extra instruction on how to do posters well! 🙂 One group had wonderfully thick fat writing and their poster was so easy to read.

Then we talked through the latest version of my projects booklet, with stories and video clips along the way. I had emailed the participants ahead of time, and some of them had done Kid2Kid connections, so I had them share their stories sprinkled through as we looked through the booklet. It was neat to have everyone hear from someone other than just me!

After a break, I divided them into groups and had them dream up a project idea, pick a potential month and time, and share their ideas on a poster. Here’s where it gets really crazy! I created a GoogleDocs file with all the participants information so they can network with each other after the workshop. I had invited them ahead of time; and about half of them had gone in and added more details about themselves. In the same file, I had another sheet to collect their ideas. As they presented, I recorded the following:

  • Topic
  • Target Grade Level
  • Preferred Month
  • Potential Time (include time zone)
  • Intended Videoconference Technology
  • Idea Creator Names
  • Names of Interested Parties
  • Other Notes

After each presentation, then I asked “who wants to do this with them?” I wrote down their first names, and since we already have all the contact for everyone in the first sheet, they’ll be able to contact each other and actually do the project. I’m really getting into the whole idea of follow-up and creating structures for people to actually implement their ideas. I was concerned that GoogleDocs would be too much of a stretch and just one more thing. But they jumped right in and some were editing right along with me as I recorded the project ideas. It worked well way beyond what I imagined! Those that couldn’t get in during the workshop will work with me via email to get set up. And I’m hoping (not promising!) to email everyone in the fall with reminders of their idea and who their partners are.
I’m much more pleased about how this year’s workshop went compared to last year, and I think the participants got more of what they were hoping for as well. I look forward to seeing these connections actually happen next year!

Blog Tags: necc07, n07s212

0 replies on “NECC Workshop: Designing IVC Projects”

  1. Kudos on a successful presentation! I did another “Google Unleshed” workshop today and I am amazed at how quickly teachers pick up Google Docs…it is definitely going to be what gives us the power to create a network connecting people with projects.

    I agree with your comment about creating a structure for successful collaboration with support and follow-up, but not remaining in the middle of the conversation. I think that is what we will see the role of the coordinators become for districts and regions where schools get involved with projects and collaborations.

    Thanks for sharing for those of us joining the conversation virtually!

  2. Hi, Janine. I work closely with Jan Zanetis of TANDBERG–host of the SIG IVC forum at NECC. The gentleman that you mentioned from Scott County, TN is Mike Lay. I’d be happy to provide you with any additional information that you may need regarding the forum.


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