If you’re an educational service agency supporting your schools’ use of distance learning, you should be providing content for your schools!
I’m always looking for good ideas for projects for my schools and there are two from Avon, Ohio that I’d like to try sometime with my local schools:
- I Spy Geography, a multipoint geography skills event
- Story Time, a multipoint story telling event.
These projects are so simple, but are wonderful for getting teachers’ feet wet with a short curriculum event that takes advantage of multipoint capability.
[…] Two things that strike me about this number. First, at the state level, the category is called “Electronic Field Trips” with a comment that says to count student projects also. The reality for our center is that student projects and collaborations far out number “electronic field trips”. Second, there is no data captured for who is actually running/coordinating these projects. Janine has commented that regional service agencies should be providing content. […]