Did you get this in your email already? I hope YOU are planning to send them a little blurb about your use of videoconferencing. Let’s make sure they remember VC as a type of distance learning!
(From Paul Wurster, L&L Assistant Editor)
Is Distance Learning Effective?
There are many effective ways to teach and to learn. How does distance learning compare?
ISTE’s magazine, Learning & Leading with Technology, wants your opinion.
If you would like to share your thoughts on this topic, type a 25– 50 word response and e-mail it to letters@iste.org by October 26.
We’re going to select 6–8 of the best comments we receive (attributing them with name, affiliation, city, and state) and publish them in the December/January issue of L&L.
Not sure? Read the opinion of two other education professionals in the September/October edition of Point/Counterpoint in L&L on the Web.
Comments (25–50 words):
State:We really appreciate your participation!
Kind regards,Paul Wurster
Assistant Editor
Learning & Leading with Technology magazine
International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE)
Eugene, Oregon
I thought you and your readers might be interested in the upcoming
National Distance Learning Week and my interview of the NDLW National
Chair, Dr. Ken Hartman on my podcast:
Also, see NDLW: http://www.ndlw.org
I’m glad I discovered your blog. We seem to have some of the same interests.
Rodney B. Murray, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology
Jefferson Medical College
Thomas Jefferson University