We’ve just added a couple new features to our VC Program Database linked on TWICE and Polycom. Now under the special searches on the left green bar, you can find all the programs that were reviewed by a blogging educator – , or all the programs that we can find video clips for – . TWICE is planning to add more video clips this summer.
We’re collecting the links to blog reviews from all the people I know of that are blogging – see the Other VC Blogs linked on the right – scroll down a bit. If you’re blogging about VC and I don’t have your blog listed, please let me know!
On another note, while checking links, I noticed that the Battleship New Jersey has a new math program, What Good is a Parabola Anyway? It’s always hard to find a good math videoconference, and this one sounds really neat. I hope to have a teacher do this program next year.