Today I presented for the faculty of Burman University in Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. This post has the accompanying resources for the social media session.
Examples of Social Media Use
- Art teacher on Pinterest
- Yammer – a closed social media network
- Faculty twitter use
- Faculty blogging example
- for texting students reminders
- #HopeTrending: web, Facebook, Twitter
Other Social Media Ideas
Articles and Resources on Twitter in the Classroom
LMS vs. Social Media
Issues and Challenges
- Overcoming Hurdles to Social Media in Education
- Fake news issues
- Students who choose no social media
- To friend student or not: sample reading on this topic, much more out there…
- Program or Be Programmed
- Alone Technology
Additional Recommended Reading
- Reading paper vs. screens
- Benefits of No-Tech Note Taking
- Multitasking Costs and Media multiaskers
- Hidden Causes of Aimless Surfing
Bonus Idea: COIL: Collaborative Online International Learning